Only the strongest enemies are in the Temple now, including all four of the elemental fiends. Speak to them and learn what they have discovered. It will also be possible to speak with the five bats, or rather, the five transformed Sky Warriors, who remain trapped in the Chaos Shrine. Once the four crystals are lit, the Black Crystal in the center of the Chaos Shrine will transport your party back 2000 years to the Temple of Chaos. The time has come for the Light Warriors to rid the world of the cause of the decay. Finally, stay at an inn and when you're ready, head to the center of the world map. The high 20s will make the game challenging but beatable, the low 30s will be fairly balanced, and the high 30s will near guarantee that you can succeed. To be sure that you are prepared for the upcoming battles ahead, it would be best to make sure that your party members are sufficiently leveled. Use some of your downtime to travel the world and buy the spells you couldn't afford previously, like Flare, Holy, Full-life, and Exit. Hopefully, you will already have found all three Ribbons and equipped them. Also consider buying four Protect Rings from Gaia if you don't already have them for everyone. The Temple of Chaos is a length dungeon-in the NES version take along 99 Heals and 99 Pures, and in all others bring 99 Hi-Potions and 99 Ethers. Travel back to Gaia, Onrac or Crescent Lake to max out your inventory. Supplies for the Temple of Chaos īefore embarking on your final quest, take some time to prepare. The Excalibur is the most powerful sword in the NES version (the third-most powerful weapon besides the Ultima Weapon and the Ragnarok in the DoS version). Make sure you get the sword before continuing on to the final mission. He'll be very excited to see that you have Adamantite, and he'll make you a rare sword: the Excalibur. Duergar and talk to the Dwarf smith at the top of the cave. The Temple of Fiends is revealed as a Time Gate that can be used if the four crystals shine. Speak to them at once and learn about the power that controls the world from 2000 years in the past. Only the Circle of Sages in Crescent Lake know what to do next. Having defeated Tiamat, it should become apparent that the game is not yet over.